Monday, December 12, 2016

"A Day That Will Live in Infamy"

December 7, 1941.

(Drafted on December, 7th)

Truly "A Day That Will Live in Infamy". On this day 75 years ago the history of the world changed forever.  When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on that faithful Sunday morning the innocence of our previous generations America was sunk to the bottom of the harbor.  From then to the end of World War II consumers had to be hyper conscious of their purchases and needs.

Due to the nature and sheer scale of WWII, materials and supplies were scarce in the states in order to fuel the war machine that was trudging on through Europe and the Pacific.  Most notably, American families were obligated to ration consumer goods such as gasoline, coffee, butter, shoes, sugar, and meat. Rationing was a complex and far-reaching challenge that required the efforts of all of the American people.  Rather than having endless amounts of choice to consider, many families were given food stamps and rationing coupons to purchase their goods with.  For some, rather than using food coupons, many families took to gardening and farming their own produce for consumption.

Due to the American peoples effort and abidance to forgoing lavish food choice and consumption, America was able to win WWII and supply the war effort that required every ounce of energy and resources available.

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