Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Weight

This is going to get heavy.  I promise this post to be my only depressing post in my series of blogs.

Due to the current events of today (12/13/2016) I have found myself opening the pandora's box that is the Middle East.  Today, Aleppo, Syria according to multiple news sources has fallen into the hands of the Syrian Government and Assad.  This means in all probability that the rebel movement has failed in Aleppo to oust Assad's dictatorship of Syria.  Truthfully, I am not informed enough to make an educated statement on the implications of this fact or any of the Middle East for that matter (truly embarrassing).  I have found myself over the past few hours trying to catch up on the last 5 years of Middle Eastern current events to try and understand what this means.  From what I have gathered, both the Syrian Government and the rebel forces have little regard for civilian life.  This is what brings me to this post. In order to stay neutral on this topic, I am going to forgo any political opinions that I may be thinking.  I genuinely just want to focus on the misfortunate civilians who are paying the true cost of war at this point and have very little voice in such matters.  This situation really is a mess.

With this in mind, upon reflection of my previous posts, they all seem rather silly.  I have greatly focussed on the consumption of goods that really have little importance to life in the grand scheme of things.  From coolers to fishing equipment, none of these items are essential to everyday life and existence. It seems extremely arrogant to talk about the choices that modern western consumers posses in terms of material items when our eastern brothers and sisters barely have the choice of life or death.  With Aleppo in mind, we have seen the non-stop, mindless dispatching of civilians in all forms from men, women and children. My heart and mind mourn for these people who are experiencing incomprehensible atrocities at this very moment.  These are human beings just like us, of which I have no doubt would give everything to be sitting in my position with a hot cup of coffee and music playing typing this very post.  My biggest concerns at the moment involve finishing these blog posts and other school assignments, not worrying if today will be my last day. To put it lightly, this is an extremely difficult burden and realization for me to carry at the moment.

I really don't know what else to say.  My heart it heavy, I just pray and worry for all innocent people facing excruciating hardship at this very moment.

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