COMPANY: Yeti Coolers
2016 INC. 5000 RANK: 510
2015 REVENUE: $468.9 million
In today's saturated environment of outdoor gear and products. It is necessary for companies to differentiate their brands to stand out through the noise of too many products. In a market such as coolers, on company has stood out from the rest and created a brand that is unmatched in the industry. This company is Yeti Cooler's.
How do you get consumers to buy a $400 cooler? To do so, Yeti didn't just create the most rugged, durable and effective cooler on the market, they created a lifestyle. What Yeti has been so effective in creating is a community within the brand. By pushing their coolers into that hands of nearly every professional in all aspects of the outdoor industry (primarily fishing and hunting) they have been able to create a need for their coolers rather than a want. I personally own two of their coolers and some of their other miscellaneous merchandise. Their coolers are the highest quality possible and can hold ice for days which is important for my profession.
Yeti has implemented heavy use of social media into their advertising strategy. They have many representatives on Instagram and continue to heavily sponsor television shows and independent outdoor films to spread company name and create exposure. Yeti has also been featured in a popular country song and numerous Instagram and social media "trends" without any implementation from Yeti. They have truly created a cult brand.
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