Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Blogging as a Means for Communication

Generally speaking, I have enjoyed the blogging process this semester.  I think if I had started earlier on the blogging process my contributions might have been a little more valuable and constructive.  Blogging is not as cut and dry a I thought.  Honestly I assumed that this would be an easy process and that I could knock out blog posts just like checking off boxes. But I was wrong. In order to formulate valuable blogs, it is important to brainstorm and research the topics you are wanting to discuss. This takes time and creativity.

I believe that for companies who are wanting to gain more of a presence across the internet, blogging is a great medium to implement by a company to spread awareness, their services and products.  Through our final project we found out the value of blogging and that diabetics greatly utilize blogs to communicate and spread awareness of new products and ideas.   I believe that the power of blogging is greatly underestimated and untapped.

But, for now I will leave blogging to the professionals.  I don't have any intentions of maintaining this blog, it's been fun guys.  Good luck to the new graduates and I'll see the rest of you degenerates (kidding) next semester!

Signing off.

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